A high-performance
All round.
1922 - 2022: 100 years CEPA
CEPA has been shaping contemporary history for 100 years and our centrifuges are now being used reliably in over 80 countries around the world.
Our founder Carl Padberg had a vision 100 years ago and thus laid the foundation for our company today. We are sure that he would be as proud of the result as we are today.
In all this time, CEPA has positioned itself as a global expert for centrifuges and systems, and we have gone one step further: With our active involvement in research work, we make a contribution to the sustainable use of our environment.
For us and for all generations that come after us. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

Founding of the Technical Office Carl Padberg in Düsseldorf to represent Gebr. Sulzer and Sharples centrifuges.

Takeover of the management by his son Ing. Werner Padberg. Start of the in-house production of high-speed centrifuges.

The company was relocated from Düsseldorf to Lahr. The manufacturing of centrifuges for separating slaughter blood, oil purification and the production of varnish begins.

With the end of world war II, Werner Padberg initially concentrated on repairs and the construction of milk centrifuges.

The company is renamed to Carl Padberg Zentrifugenbau GmbH.

Start of the worldwide export business with laboratory centrifuges and high-speed centrifuges for the cooking oil industry.

Insulated and refrigerated CEPA human blood centrifuges with 18,000 rpm are constructed.

The first manual centrifuges for the de-oiling of metal chips are sold.

Development of the first continuous working chip centrifuges. The expansion of the production facilities has been completed.

Planning, delivery, assembly and commissioning of complete chip de-oiling systems.

Werner Padberg hands over the management to his nephew Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Albert.

Development, design and construction of the first FLEXOMAT handling system.

Development and sale of a 3-phase cleaning centrifuge for oils, emulsions and washing water.

Klaus Albert appoints his daughter business economist Michaela Vinnay (nee Albert), as second managing director.

With the arrival of Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Vinnay as technical director, the company is increasingly positioning itself as an innovative partner for Research and Development through successful participation in future-oriented research projects.

After 26 years at CEPA, Klaus Albert is taking his well-deserved retirement and is handing over a healthy and attractive company with a 90-year tradition to his daughter Michaela Vinnay.

Development of a "cleaning in place" high-speed centrifuge enables uncomplicated and quick cleaning of the centrifuge.

Development of the powerful high-speed centrifuge with 80,000*g opens up new markets.

The first complete chip system with a driverless transport for transporting the chips to the centrifuge is developed.

Michaela Vinnay appoints business economist Uwe Kirchgässner as second managing director.

The company is celebrating its 100th anniversary and is worldwide represented with its products.